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Completed orders:
Orders in progress:
joined on Dec 07, 2018
The writer is most specialized in the following subjects:
Law 222 Business 163 Psychology 136 Nursing 134 Management 83

I complete high-quality and accurate works in Law, Management, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, and other subject areas.

Jun 26.2021
Term paper
Great paper, just what I ordered! Thank you!
Mindfulness Practice : effects on Depression, Anxiety and stress during COVID-19 .
Jun 22.2021
Finished before on time and writing style was good , Thank you
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Jun 20.2021
Personal statement
Amazing work
The relationship between Anthropology and Globalization
Jun 16.2021
Good job
An investigation of the effect of Covid-19 in the restaurant industry in the UK and innovative practises developed during the pandemic that will carry out even after
Jun 15.2021
Thank you for your help. Great job!! Only note, I would have appreciated a sample questionnaire attached with possible questions in relation to my primary research. Is it possible to have it, please? Thank you again
FDA and international regulatory agency collaboration
Jun 13.2021
Term paper
Good enough
Hippie movement
Jun 06.2021
Will done
work place Gender inequality and its impact on organisations performance
Jun 06.2021
Dissertation/Thesis proposal
Great job! Delivered very timely.
The influence of mass media and social media on criminal investigations and trials outcome
Jun 03.2021
Good work
Evidence Based Practice Proposal-Section D - Change Model
Jun 03.2021
Points: 80/80.0 👏😍 Instructors Comments: Myra - You have appropriately applied a change model to your implementation plan. You have described each stage of the model, and have nicely described the relevance of this plan to your proposed change. Additionally, you have carried this implementation plan through each stage of the change model. Thus, you have successfully completed this portion of the project. Nice work.